Drayton Manor Theme Park is packed with a host of great rides and attractions set in 280 acres of lakes and parkland. The Park is home to some of Europe’s best and most intense rides, Thomas Land a multi-million pound family attraction featuring rides and indoor play with Thomas & FriendsTM, in addition to Drayton Manor Zoo and also an onsite 150 bedroom hotel along with many shops, cafes, bars and restaurants.
Organisation wide training programme from operational through to Strategic Management level.
“Over the past few months, Well Training have turned our ideas and vision into, what we believe, is a world class organisation-wide training programme that is cutting edge for the tourism sector. This really has been a major task, which has required, not only significant resource from Well Training, but tremendous commitment and drive to achieve the high class standards in the tight timescales.
Well Training have demonstrated remarkable levels of flexibility in adapting their ways of working to meet the needs of our organisation, as well as gaining a clear understanding about our organisation, strategy, culture and processes.
We have been delighted with the way such a successful partnership has been established and the feedback and results already achieved. The training delivered by Well Training will not only improve the skills and performance of our staff, but has also helped the organisation think wider about many of the key elements of our business.”