International Happiness at Work

International Happiness at Work Week

Happiness at work is not just a “nice-to-have” it’s crucial, a key driver of both personal success and organisational effectiveness. It helps create an environment where employees and businesses thrive together.

We spend a big part of our lives at work, so why not make it a happier place?

We joined the International Happiness at Work Week movement 23rd-27th September, joining over 350+ organisations worldwide! 

Take a look at what we got up to…

Steve Payne – CEO
WELL Training

Steve Payne, WELL Training CEO

Flex Working

I first worked from home back in 2007, using software applications that were nowhere near as sophisticated as they are now. Yes, I missed working in an office with colleagues and the social interaction. What I didn’t miss was the 3-hour commute! I recognized immediately just how much more productive I was.

Flexible working at WELL Training

This thought stayed with me and so when I started another business in 2013, I decided that where possible, getting colleagues to work from home was a positive way forward. Not just because it was more cost effective but for my colleagues, it gave them a better work-life balance by removing the commute every day.
Having introduced working from home and seen the constructive impact it had on productivity plus the extremely positive response from colleagues, the next step was to look for other flexible working practices.

5 key advantages for flexible working

In order for this to work for both the company and for employees, it must be based on trust. Having the right team, company culture and management structure is crucial!

Here is a great article from ACAS exploring flexible working and some of its benefits:

Poll Time!
LinkedIn followers invited to vote for: 

‘What makes YOU happiest at work’

1️⃣ Great colleagues and teamwork                              29%
2️⃣ Feeling valued and appreciated                              46%
3️⃣ A flexible work-life balance                                       25%
4️⃣ Opportunities for growth and learning                    0%